Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Working on Digital Platform

21st century: technology explosion 
The sophisticated IT creations astonished the world
Touchscreen products are one of them, and now becoming a prevalence. 

Flipping back my abiding memories in primary school, 
Blackboard and chalks, 
Mahjong papers and the forever *black-red-blue* stains flowering over
Us sitting cross-legged on the floor,
teachers rant, lots of smacking, 
and standing in the corner 
Behaviouristic learning,
Traditional classroom,
a compliant me O.O 

Am I "good enough" to be a teacher?

Definition for this particular inverted-commas academic term is vague. ha!
Perhaps testing myself could get the answer? 

Lovely teacher image above xD 

Never turn into ---> 

a harridan /w\

I will teach my students with L.O.V.E. 

Back to our topic today: Digital Teaching Platform
It creates a tech-centric approach in our classroom. 
We always discuss about Web 2.0 tool in teaching and learning.

Smartphone addicts are everywhere.
There is an internet description about this group of people:  
That's the trend leading to digital curriculum. 

Why is digital teaching platform good? 
> Increase student confidence 
> Increase motivation 
> Increase enjoyment 
> Improve teaching quality 
> You can google for more ;) 

We'd been working wearily on an assignment recently 
we need to use digital platform PREZI 
to design exercises for our students. 

After download the software, the first response of mine:
I was intrigued to Prezi! 
It's a very inspiring presentation tool!
I love design 
although frankly speaking
 it's time consuming to design the whole template (drowsy me

This is the one! 
Completed version will be uploaded soon :) 

Stay tune!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Homemade Mushroom Soup :D

Yeap Imma mushroom soup lover :D [yay the Earthy Fungi HAHA]
Especially rich creamy and cheesy mushroom soup in yellowish
Often warm me inside out ~thoroughly~ to the soul
And stir my appetite *slurrrrp*
It was my first attempt to make cream mushroom soup at home. Exciting!


crazy velvety mashed potatoes 

Mushrooms: chopped rather finely 
[ps: I used to blend it coz Imma too lazy xD]

1 Onion: chopped 
125 gram of Butter 

Whipping cream


Heat olive oil in a sauce pan. Add onions and butter on medium heat. 
Add in mushrooms. Cook over medium heat for five minutes, or until the moisture of the mushrooms disappears. 
Add in mashed potatoes and stir constantly. 
Finally, add milk and whipping cream, and bring to a simmer. 
Serve hot in your soup bowl. Garnish with ground nutmeg and fresh parsley if you have them on hand. [I'd added nutmeg only. ;)]


Ma super piggie taste buds relish this Mushroom soup

Hearty liking: May this warm up your day! :D 


自己的信心真的小得如芥菜种子一般 O.O
很想很想上帝这一瞬间把这一切可恶的烦恼都为自己除去 哈哈
然后就不需要经历这么挣扎的时段~~ OH NO
而明白耶稣基督救恩的自己 却在感慨什么劲都不知道!
盼望自己可以靠主重拾信心!! 还是喜欢那个无论什么时刻都感恩的自己 T~~T


不过感恩依然还有抒发情绪的能力! ;) 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


自以為是的人 人前人後
隨意論斷人 用自己的眼光去下定論
當溝通缺乏 誰也明白不了誰
但是 哪個誰 又願意赤裸裸地流露自己最討人厭的一面
哪個誰 又願意接納這一切

留下來的 懂你的 真心的

這依舊是我父的世界 看你怎麼使壞  :b