Monday, September 21, 2009

What happen to me??

Early in the mornng.
It's 7am something.
I woke up and routinely, walked out from my bedroom,
headed to bathroom.
Weird feelings~
Dizziness. I can't see things clearly.
All surround me kept spinning.
Oh my gosh!!
I can't even walked steadily. Feel like wanna fall down.
Yes. Fallen. Feeling no stamina to stand and walk.
I fell over. In front of my bedroom door.
Hardly to stand up.
My sister opened the door.
What had happened to you??
Why do you sit on the floor?
I could feel my lachrymal fluid wanna burst out.
I was so scared.
When you can't see clearly.
When you can't walk.
I tried my very best to stand up.
And threw myself on the bed.
Damn so tired.
My sister asked me trying to stand up again.
With no confidence, I stood up.
Dizzy~ spinning again.
No!! I sat back. This time I really can't control my tears.
Why is this so. .
T T.
I lied on the bed.
My daddy asked me not to sleep.
I was so scared!!
My grandma used to help me "gua sha"
Feeling better.
I can walk!!
Nothing happen.
I think too much.
But later red spots start appearing on my skin.
Firstly, was my face.
Oh no~
And then it developed to my hands.
They made me nervous.
I kept sweating.
I called my dad to come back and fetched me to clinic.
What Happen!!
I prayed while waiting for my turn to see the doctor.
I waited in the car.
I don't dare to face another patients with my red-spotted face.
T T.
Don't feel good.
The doctor checked my lymph node.
Both swollen.
Those red spots. .
She told me that's viral .. viral what l forgot.
It's the respond of the body itself when someone fall sick, esp. fever.
I was warned to drink more water.
The cause of this is there's not enough water in the body.
Quarantined for 3 days.
The doctor said I'll recover after 3 days.
I can't go out this holiday.
T T.

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